Actual Tools Home Page

General Options Property Sheet

The General Options property sheet allows adjusting the most common Actual Tools program options.

General Options Property Sheet

Language combo-box - here you can select the preferred language for the whole Actual Tools program's user interface.

Load at startup checkbox - mark it to load the Actual Tools program's Control Center as Windows® starts.

Enable tray icon checkbox - mark it to show the Actual Tools program's icon in the system tray while the Control Center is loaded.

Extend every window's system menu with the "Manage Window Settings" option checkbox - mark it to extend every window's system menu with the additional Manage Window Settings submenu which contains the following rule management commands:

  • Modify default settings - modifies the Default Settings rule settings (this command is available only when window gets in the scope of the Default Settings rule)
  • Create specific settings for this window - creates a new specific rule for a current window with the automatic retrieval of necessary target window property values
  • Modify specific settings "<rule_name>" - modifies the settings of specific rule with the <rule_name>
  • Exclude this window from Actual Title Buttons processing - creates a new Exclusion rule for a current window with the automatic retrieval of necessary target window property values
  • Reapply settings - forces the Actual Tools program to reset the current window to its default state and then start to find a proper rule again

Add "Manage Window Settings" button to every window's title bar checkbox - mark it to add to every window's title bar the special Manage Window Settings title button that provides the quick access to rule management commands described above.

Enable logging checkbox - mark it to turn on the Windows Monitoring Log tool. After that, you'll be able to show/hide the Actual Title Buttons Log window via Control Center's context menu.

 Copyright © 2002-2007 Actual Tools. All rights reserved.
 Last modified: June 20, 2007.